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Jelmberg Team COVID-19/Coronavirus Community Support

Coronavirus COVID-19 Support

Friends and Clients,

Let us start by saying we’re here to help.

Our phone number is (760) 732-5867.

If you are currently in the Coachella Valley and are at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19 (those 65 years of age or older or anyone with serious underlying health conditions), and need help making grocery runs, pick-up medications or any other critical item you may need, please call us. We are also asking that hospital and testing location staff reach out if they have needs at this time.

Here’s a list of those who are at higher risk for severe illness according to the CDC.

We’ve been selling real estate for 13 years here in the Coachella Valley and have helped over a thousand clients with their real estate needs. If you have a need that we can’t meet personally, we are fortunate enough to most likely know someone who can. You’d be surprised at how many good people are here in the valley that are willing to step-up at times like this when the community is hurting.

Our hearts go out to our seniors quarantined at home or in assisted living, families dealing with school closures, our neighbors in the hospitals, our local businesses struggling and everyone impacted by this pandemic. This valley, and our clients, have been good to us and we want to seize this opportunity to give back to those most affected by the virus.

If you don’t feel comfortable having deliveries dropped off at your door, these local stores have provided hours every morning for those 65+ and other high-risk citizens to shop before the rest of the public is allowed in the store (updated March 21, 2020):

Again, please call us if you are in need. Our number is (760) 732-5867. Even if all you need is someone to process the current state of our nation with, call us.

You can also visit this Facebook page, Coachella Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors through COVID-19, to help bring the community together during these difficult times.

As the old saying goes: “You get by with a little help from your friends.” This is another place to lift each other up and find help and hope. Let the group know your needs and we can come together to help each other.

Please also reach out, if you are inclined, to help us serve the community at this time.

Again, if you live local and 65+, or high risk for severe illness from the virus, and need some help, give us a call anytime.  If you have any real estate-related questions or you want more specific stats on how our market is performing, we are here to answer those as well.  For COVID-19-related questions, routinely check the Centers for Disease Control website or contact medical professionals.

Stay encouraged.

Blessings to you and your family,

Everyone at the Jelmberg Team
(760) 7325867

Real Estate Agents

At Jelmberg Real Estate our team of highly trained real estate agents work to create outstanding results for our clients from all over the world and the Coachella Valley. As local real estate experts our knowledge of housing market, communities and the cities that comprise the Coachella Valley are second to none. Whether you are selling your home or buying a home in the Palm Springs area our team is dedicated to making your next real estate transaction an outstanding experience. Come visit us and make your real estate dreams a reality today!

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